You entered, in my mind,
so long ago, so long ago -
Even though you were a passing shadow
unlikely for me to see again.
Sometimes I’d see you in my mind:
I’d think of what you were doing,
what you were seeing,
what you were imagining -
You were an unnamed figure
floating through my mind.
I saw you again the other day
In an unexpected place.
You answered all my questions,
But how can I feel like this?
It can’t be you…
It can’t be you…
It can’t be you.
How can this happen, here and now?
Before I’ve even started,
I know how far I’ve got to go…
And each day is harder than the one before
because I can’t reach you.
I saw you again the other day
In an unexpected place.
You answered all my questions,
But how can I feel like this?
It can’t be you…
It can’t be you…
It can’t be you.
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