
Showing posts with label Theme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theme. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 February 2025

10,000 Attempts

Mastery is not about the number of hours spent, but the number of meaningful repetitions performed. The key to improvement is not simply the passage of time but the number of times we actively engage with the process, refine our techniques, and correct our mistakes. A musician who plays 10,000 times with focus and adaptation will progress much faster than one who simply clocks in hours of mindless practice. Likewise, a writer who drafts 10,000 paragraphs, refining them with each attempt, will develop their craft far more effectively than someone who spends 10,000 hours mostly staring at blank pages.

Consider the difference between two aspiring painters. One spends 10,000 hours in a studio, occasionally picking up a brush, watching tutorials, or idly sketching. The other completes 10,000 paintings—each one an attempt, a refinement, an experiment. Who do we think will be better? The sheer number of attempts forces the second painter to confront mistakes, experiment with new techniques, and internalise lessons through direct experience.

A bad golf swing practised for 10,000 hours will only ingrain bad habits. But 10,000 focused swings, each slightly adjusted, each reviewed with feedback, will produce real progress. Mastery is not about passive endurance but active iteration—learning, failing, correcting, and repeating.

This is why elite performers in every field—from sports to business to the arts—improve through deliberate cycles of action and feedback, not sheer hours spent. It is not time alone that builds mastery but the number of meaningful engagements with the skill.

Don’t just put in the time. Put in the reps. Make 10,000 attempts. Iterate, refine, and repeat. Time will pass regardless—but skill is built in the doing.

Friday, 1 November 2024

A Technological Landscape

Wireless energy, once a theory, has enabled humanity to abandon traditional power grids; energy is beamed from orbiting solar satellites down to Earth. People no longer carry phones; they use implantable tech that provides real-time access to information, communication, and healthcare diagnostics. A simple thought can summon a holographic interface that hovers in mid-air, visible only to the user and vanishing when not in use.

With neural enhancements and immersive virtual reality, couples in long-distance or unconventional relationships can experience a simulated closeness that feels almost as tangible as physical proximity. Holographic communication and sensory interfaces allow people to maintain relationships across vast distances, even fostering bonds with individuals on other planets or space stations, where off-world colonies are emerging.

Learning a new skill, once a laborious process, has been simplified through neural downloads and AI-enhanced tutoring. As technology increasingly integrates with biology—through everything from memory augmentation to body modification—the question of what it means to be “human” has become complex. Some choose to enhance themselves with artificial intelligence implants, while others resist, favouring a life less mediated by technology.

Smart clothing, crafted from fabrics that can cool or insulate as needed, is the norm, replacing the seasonal wardrobe. Buildings, too, have grown adaptable, constructed from “living” materials that respond to temperature and humidity shifts.

With breakthroughs in longevity science, many people live to see several generations of their descendants. Despite advances in lifespan, humanity has not eluded death entirely, though medical technology has pushed its boundaries in remarkable ways.

“Companion bots” manage everyday tasks. With basic needs met by automation, society grapples with questions of purpose and fulfilment. Paid employment is rare, but most humans choose to work in ways that offer fulfilment rather than survival, aided by AI agents that analyse their strengths, interests, and personal needs. Wealth disparities persist, though the poverty once prevalent has been eradicated.

Reproduction has undergone profound changes, enabled by biotechnology. Biological conception is still common, but many couples choose “genetic optimisation,” where embryos are screened for diseases and enhanced for health traits, resilience, or even intelligence. This practice has led to ethical debates over eugenics and the potential homogenisation of the human genome, though strict regulations aim to balance health benefits with the risks of genetic manipulation.

Some parents prefer to have children through advanced methods like in-vitro gametogenesis, where biological material from one or two individuals can be combined to create an embryo without traditional sexual reproduction. This opens up parenthood to single individuals, same-sex couples, or people who might otherwise face reproductive challenges. Companion bot surrogacy has also become more common, allowing people who don’t want to physically bear children to have biological offspring. This technology, while initially controversial, is now widely accepted, with stringent oversight to ensure ethical practices. Some see it as liberating, granting women freedom from the physical demands of pregnancy, while others feel it distances the experience of parenthood from its true, natural roots.

From a current perspective, it’s not unreasonable to view some of these likely developments as unappealing. However, the truly terrifying likely scenario follows, and certain countries in the world today may already be too late to stop some variation of this hell from happening.

In a darker vision, technological progress has been used to engineer an authoritarian nightmare. Surveillance is omnipresent, privacy is a relic of the past, and individual freedom is meticulously curtailed. Here, technology once celebrated for enhancing human potential has become a weapon of oppression, and humans live under constant, invisible scrutiny.

In this dystopian future, every aspect of life is monitored through an interconnected web of devices embedded in every home, public space, and within citizens themselves. Personal data is streamed directly to the system’s central command, an AI-driven supercomputer, which analyses each action, word, and even thought patterns, identifying dissent before it can manifest.

People wear mandatory “compliance implants” implanted at birth, which track physiological responses, monitor brain activity, and assess “loyalty metrics.” These devices make it nearly impossible to think subversively, as even private thoughts register as data points. Every movement, every moment of hesitation, is logged. Even friendships and romantic relationships are tracked, graded, and restricted based on loyalty scores. People may only interact with those whom the central command deems compatible, eliminating any risk of “unsanctioned alliances” that could foster resistance.

In public, holographic screens display reminders of the central command’s omnipotence, broadcasting a constant stream of propaganda that paints life under the regime as peaceful and prosperous. Every building is fitted with facial recognition systems that instantly cross-reference each individual’s identity, loyalty rating, and behavioural history, triggering alarms for anyone showing “deviant patterns” such as prolonged eye contact, lingering in groups, or quiet conversations.

To maintain absolute control, the “Great Leader” has dismantled traditional family structures, considering them breeding grounds for rebellion. Children are removed from their parents at birth, raised in state-run facilities known as “Harmoniums.” These cold, clinical institutions are devoid of love and attachment; they are designed to shape young minds for total obedience. Children are indoctrinated from infancy to view the Great Leader as their only guardian, and any memory of familial bonds is systematically erased.

Romantic relationships, too, are strictly regulated. People are paired through an algorithm that maximises compatibility for loyalty and productivity, with emotional connection considered an unnecessary risk. Conception and reproduction are tightly controlled, often occurring through artificial means, with genetic traits selected to eliminate any proclivity towards independent thinking. Couples live in designated housing blocks and are permitted only minimal interaction, making emotional bonds a rarity, if not outright illegal.

Economic life is dictated by the Great Leader’s concept of “the Duty”—a binding contract that requires every citizen to contribute a precise amount of labour each day to maintain social harmony. Citizens are allocated professions not based on personal aptitude or interest, but rather on loyalty metrics and behavioural compliance. Many work mindlessly in factories, churning out goods for the Great Leader, designed more for spectacle and control than practical function. The system tracks productivity in real time, rewarding only those who meet or exceed quotas with the most basic amenities.

There is no money; instead, citizens earn “compliance credits,” which can be exchanged for essentials like food and housing. Those who fall short, either through underperformance or subversive thought, lose credits, condemning them to a life of deprivation. Compliance credits can even be “banked” as bribes for additional privileges, making them the only way to secure a semblance of comfort. This ensures that everyone’s survival is directly linked to loyalty, creating an economy that thrives on fear and dependency.

Under the Great Leader’s rule, individuality has been systematically erased. Names have been replaced with identification codes, reducing people to numbers in the vast network overseen by the system. Fashion, once an expression of identity, has been standardised into a uniform that strips people of any distinguishing features. Creative expression is outlawed, with music, art, and literature considered dangerous forms of self-expression that could ignite independent thought.

Education, once a pathway to understanding and empowerment, has become a tool of indoctrination. Children learn only the Great Leader’s approved curriculum, which rewrites history, glorifies the regime, and vilifies any form of resistance. Ancient books are banned, with only selected fragments retained in a “curated archive,” where all references to freedom or self-determination have been expunged. Knowledge outside of this prescribed doctrine is punishable by imprisonment or disappearance, ensuring that even the concept of resistance is beyond comprehension for the average citizen.

To maintain the grip on society, reproduction is tightly controlled. Fertility is regulated through genetic manipulation, and only those deemed sufficiently loyal are permitted to have children, often through artificial selection methods that prioritise traits favouring obedience, compliance, and emotional suppression. Infants born without these “loyalty genes” are removed from society, suggesting they are either terminated or repurposed for hard labour.

In this society, there are no parents as traditionally understood. Children are produced in laboratories, with their genetic code “perfected” to match the ideal citizen. Relationships are stripped of intimacy and choice; even the concept of love is discouraged, relegated to relics of a bygone era. Those who dare express love or attachment face “re-education,” a euphemism for a brutal conditioning process that breaks the human spirit and ensures total subjugation.

Humanity’s brightest advances have become its darkest tools of repression. Technology, once meant to connect, empower, and enlighten, has instead shackled society in a nightmare where individuality, love, and freedom have all but vanished. People are stripped of humanity, their every breath and heartbeat monitored by the system.

Public monuments, vast portraits, and broadcasted speeches reinforce the idea that the Great Leader is a single, immortal figure, forever vigilant. The system broadcasts fabricated achievements and victories, glorifying him as the eternal protector. The system perpetuates the myth that the Great Leader possesses supernatural longevity, presenting him as a god-like figure, immune to time and death. But most tragically of all, nobody dares to speculate that the Great Leader died many years ago and was replaced by an AI agent of the system, trained on his behaviours.

Saturday, 7 September 2024

What is Love?

Romantic love is often entangled with physical desire, where the intoxicating desire for the other is mistaken for something deeper. The powerful drivers that propel the body towards procreation create a heady cocktail of emotions, a pleasurable drug, which can induce a euphoric high, but can also lead to drunken obsession, jealousy, and inevitable disappointment when the initial jolts of passion fade away. Most relationships, at least in their early stages, operate largely at this level, driven by societal expectations of passion and the pursuit of an idealised romantic partner.

Over time, many of these relationships, if they last beyond other attractions, settle into patterns laid out by cultural expectations: marriage, children, and the daily grind required as members of society. Yet, amidst this routine, many couples never truly learn to love one another in the deeper, more meaningful sense. They follow the motions, adhering to prescribed roles, without truly seeing the other.

Romantic love is not about what someone can do for you or the physical pleasure they might provide. Love is the genuine concern for the other person’s well-being. It is the wanting to care for them, not because you expect something in return, but because their happiness, their health, and their emotions genuinely matter to you. In doing so, you are rescued from the ultimately unfulfilling confines of self-interest. When your partner is unwell or unhappy, love makes you want to be there for them, not out of obligation, but because you truly care. It’s a desire to offer support, to be their comfort, and to share in their burdens, transforming you from a shallow creature into a truly alive human being.

Love is about joy. It’s about celebrating life’s moments with the other person, enjoying their successes and happiness. The bond of connection and mutual understanding creates a love that transcends the physical and the temporary. Though, of course, if you love the person, you are more likely to find them attractive and electrified by the energy of their body next to yours. Loving the person makes it more likely you will experience deeper physical pleasures than if you are merely coveting surface appearances.

This leads to a question: who is more likely to experience true love—two twenty-year-olds, captivated by the beauty and sensations of each other’s bodies, or two eighty-year-olds, who see the beauty in each other’s wrinkles, who love each other not for their fading physical appearance but for the familiarity and comfort they have found in one another? The love between these two people is rooted in knowing each other intimately—their strengths, weaknesses, flaws, and virtues—and loving them for all of it.

Love is not about how one looks or how one makes the other feel in the heat of passion. It’s about being present for each other, appreciating the other, and finding comfort in their presence. It’s about love that lasts when the distractions of youth have long faded, leaving behind the enduring connection between two people who have chosen to know each other intimately.

It is the connection, the concern, the joy, and the familiarity that define love, a kind of love that so many seek but only a few truly find. True love, in its deepest sense, is a commitment to the other person’s happiness, a recognition of their beauty that transcends the physical, and an appreciation of the shared journey through life.

Sunday, 21 April 2024


Every aspect of a person could be sampled, scaled, and extrapolated by AI. Not just voice, features, movement, but also personality and way of thinking. In other words, there could be multiple automated versions of you interacting with the world and acting on your behalf.

AI would then start adapting these avatars as characters encountering generated digital scenarios, either as entertainment in a game, or for gathering data from the interactions and outcomes.

The philosophical questions posed in sci-fi are: What if the avatars were sentient? What if you are actually such an avatar experiencing a scenario? How do you know reality isn’t a single player game and everything you experience isn’t a computer simulation?

The answer is we don’t conceptually understand the nature of reality and maybe it would spoil the point if we did.

Sunday, 31 March 2024


The earth,
once clad in winter's shroud,
now wears the Easter cloak of spring's rebirth.

From the darkness
light reclaims its throne,
and the rivers run with wine.

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Error et descensus

One must remember:

Evil pretends to be the divine.

The wilfully guilty frame others for their sins.​

Cruelty cloaks itself as the guardian of reason.

Those with nothing to say hide behind a wall of words.

The ignorant deceive with feigned wisdom.

Hence, truth must resonate more intensely.

Sunday, 20 August 2023

Jokey Thoughts

Comedy is the universal language, even more so than Esperanto or interpretive dance. It reminds us not to take life too seriously, especially during a sock puppet presentation about fiscal responsibility. It’s a healing touch, and the best facial workout, the most fun way to burn calories without actual exercise. Plus, it's a great excuse when you trip in public – just call it physical comedy! It’s a refuge, reminding us that sometimes, life is just funny. In the words of a wise man I once heard in a coffee shop – "If we don't laugh, we'll cry." And as we all know, tissues are pretty expensive. Without it, life would be a never-ending episode of Monday mornings.

In a world full of spreadsheet errors, missed buses, and mismatched socks, comedy is our shared relief, our collective exhale. It’s a way of saying, “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who falls over.” Comedy has always been my go-to defence mechanism against awkward situations, existential crises, and confusing instruction manuals. For it has the power to unite, to heal, and to make us forget about that embarrassing thing we did last week.

Comedy shouldn’t just be about the nuances and implications of the Oxford comma, or developing a comprehensive understanding of why chickens really cross roads. Let's ensure all voices are heard and no joke is left unlaughed. It's paramount that everyone, regardless of background, gets the chance to groan at a bad joke.

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Dignus Est

The worthy wear no crowns, nor sit on golden thrones,

Their wealth is not in riches, but in love that they have shown.

Their court is in the fields of grace, beneath the boundless sky,

Their rule is not by edict, but by starlight in their eye.

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

An Improvement Loop

Listening improves thinking; 
thinking improves reading; 
reading improves writing; 
writing improves speaking...

Saturday, 19 November 2022


I do not subscribe to the view that people who do terrible things believe their actions are necessary for a greater good. I think many such people go out of their way to inflict misery and take a perverse pleasure in their power to do so. We often have to endure a high concentration of these people in high places because they have had a lifelong obsession with power and the unyielding desire to wield it over others, with no moral qualms about destroying anyone deemed a threat to their manipulations.

It is fashionable to try to explain wickedness as the result of a series of rational decisions based on a certain set of beliefs, such as by those who perpetrate atrocities in the name of religion, or rulers who commit genocide and other horrors – and in a way it is heartwarming that proponents do not understand the nature of evil or what it does; but they should realise that the subjects of their empathy, underneath often charming facades, think of them as weak dupes to be taken advantage of and abused.

To describe evil-inclined people as ill, and that some were tragically born with a high susceptibility to the disease, is nearer to the truth.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Putinland Disease

I have no way of knowing what people really think in Russia; but I would take a speculative guess and say something like:

  • 10% are fascist cheerleaders;
  • 20% are broadly supportive of Putinland because they want to believe the Kremlin’s lies;
  • 60% want to get on with life and be left alone;
  • 9.99% are directly opposed to the regime, but are cowed because of the consequences;
  • 0.01% are actively opposed.

As ever, really it is the majority of people in the middle who hold the power, though they often don’t realise it.

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Socially Sadistic and Masochistic Media

I remember a time, not so long ago, when boredom was a thing; now we are all overstimulated finger flickers. I think people are less happy, generally, and it’s mostly due to how we currently interact with technology, or more precisely, how we are conditioned to behave by the platforms we use.

I’ve monitored how I feel before and after looking at Twitter. Usually, I feel negatively impacted by the descent - because of the stream of whinging antagonisms, generic bot comments, political gaming, crazed self-promotion, and all the other crapness to be waded through. The moments that are interesting or amusing bait me, and keep me addicted to the corrosive slime.

Looking at the feeds from other platforms, such as TikTok, is also an ultimately unfulfilling, hollowing out experience. Social media is an addiction that pours toxins into my psyche; something to be taken in small doses or not at all.

Monday, 10 October 2022


A despicable act is particularly reprehensible when the perpetrators have had every chance to know better. In the 21st century, behaving like barbarians wanting to resurrect the evils of the past is especially vile.

My opinion has long been that Putin is a psychopathic gangster boss with a corrupt state under his brutal control; yet another despot who murdered anyone perceived as a threat, perverted any justice in government institutions, deceived his people, and stole from his country, like all these types of thugs do. My surprise lately is that he has also shown himself to be colossally stupid. He will lose, the only uncertainty is the amount of destruction he will cause the world in his downfall.

I remember once being in a London restaurant with three Russian women (a long story), when one of them proudly told me that her father was an ex-KGB officer, as if it were a laudable signal of status for her family. What shocked me was that it didn’t seem to cross any of their minds that I equate that bunch of killers with the Gestapo; that I think of it as a violent instrument of the depraved monsters in power that subjugated, tortured and murdered so many people. The reality of the fact seemed to be completely inverted by them away from the appropriate emotions of shame and regret.

Russia, after over thirty years since the collapse of the horrific soviet empire, with all its vast natural resources at its disposal, should not have a tiny, rotten economy, with a GDP per head of an impoverished country. Putinland’s main exports have been weapons and the planet-killing fuels extracted from within its own borders; it creates nothing, except the miseries of war.

Sunday, 12 June 2022


I’m not interested in your hair, eye or skin colour. I don’t care what type of person you fancy. I don’t care what you identify as or belief system you follow. Just be kind.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

In One Billion Years

Humans came along for the ride at the halfway point between life beginning on earth, about 4 billion years ago, and life ending in another 4 billion years, with the melting of the planet’s surface under an intensifying sun. Science fiction and other human projections are typically set in the myopic near future of at most a few thousand years – well how about an amount that is actually noticeable in the life of earth, say in one billion years?

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-18

I’m sitting here under an old oak true, on a bright September afternoon, with my phone at the ready, having told myself to record literally anything that pops into my head. Well the first thought that jumps to the top of the queue isn’t particularly interesting, but here goes…

It is quite an old joke that “it’s er” can sound like “sir” when introducing oneself. So I remember going to some event where I had to sign in at the front desk; I introduced myself as “it’s”, then as the man behind the desk was picking up his pen, I offered the dreaded “er”, before finally saying my name. He had a moment of sardonic glee, then sneered: “Sir Robert Walker, is it?”

I said “not yet” and the man next to him, who had been intently looking down, broke into a laugh - it must have been how I said it rather than what I said. The first man actually grimaced and grumbled to himself, as if annoyed by my response. My interpretation walking away was that he was expecting people to be nervous and this was his welcome, from a raised chair behind a desk within an institution.

I’m thinking of this now more as an observation of how some people engage in this world trying to subdue others. The man would have been a lot happier if he was interested in helping rather than hindering the people he met.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Approval Addiction

If you are indifferent to other people’s opinions about you: 

You don’t need to pretend or hide anything;
You don’t need to worry about impressions or what was said;
You don’t need to conform to rigid or mistuned expectations;
You don’t need to be offended or hurt by words;
There is no need to show-off and chase false, empty priorities;
You break an addiction to the approval of others;
You break free from inhibitions;
You have freedom to be who you are.

Friday, 2 April 2021

Podcast #6: Dawn


A Little Bit of Drama

Dead shadows dance in the night
yearning for the dawn.
Cold and forgotten walking scars,
drained by decay,
wasted by time,
stretch out,
hungered and blurred,
to a spark ignited,
rising from the ground.
From the last depths,
rays of hope entwine in the sky,
kissing the hills;
breathing new life
and wonders layered in light.
Naked with joy, a new day, a new world is born.

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

A Different Story (Gandalf the Great)

What would have happened if Gandalf had accepted Frodo’s offer of the One Ring?

Gandalf freezes, the shadow of the ring draws his hand nearer; and as the fire skips a beat, the ring falls into Gandalf’s pocket. “I shall keep the ring safe and unused. However if there is just cause to use it, I shall become the guarantor of peace,” announces Gandalf solemnly.

As night draws in, Gandalf looks back over the hills at the tiny flickering lights of the Shire. The wizard whispers to himself: “There is much to do. Much to do.” He notices the weight of his robes and the precious ring within.

Gandalf wanders, ruminating intensely upon the weaknesses of elves and men. He reasons that elves are incapable of comprehending the true power of the Ring, and would foolishly wish to destroy the golden future of Middle-earth. He knows that mere men are too easily corrupted by its power. Gandalf is absolutely resolved: he must keep the Master Ring his own secret, at all costs.

Gandalf sits on the crest of Weathertop. The days pass, the rain falls but Gandalf does not notice; he is lost in matters of deepest consequence. Then out of every corner of the darkness come the cries of The Nine: “The Ring. The Ring!”

Gandalf raises his staff and proclaims: “I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor, your master, the Lord of the Ring!”

“The Ring. The Ring!” chant The Nine. As the Ring slides onto Gandalf’s finger, the sky erupts with lightning. “I am the bringer of light,” exclaims Gandalf in triumph.

Gandalf of Many Colours imprisons Saruman the Traitor and unifies elves and men against Sauron, destroying the Dark Lord and his Dark Tower of Mordor. Much rejoicing is had by all. Gandalf announces that there is much more to do – to the consternation of Aragorn, who is executed for treason, with all his followers, kinsfolk and other suspected spies of Elrond.

Gandalf later wears an imperial gown of black and proclaims himself the Lord High God of all Middle-earth. He anoints his Ringwraiths the Lords of Middle-earth, as a temporary edict to ensure order while the new Great Age of Wisdom is being forged. He puts his vast prison camps of heretics and traitors to work, building a bigger more magnificent tower on the ruins of the Dark Tower, called The Great Tower of Unity – as an example of beauty and perfection to all. Gandalf sits at the top of the tower in his golden throne room and ever-watches, ensuring his subjects are forever obeying his great will.

Gandalf is regularly overcome with anger at the disloyalty and ingratitude of his subjects, which necessitates public demonstrations of his great power, much to the amusement of the uruk-hai. Transgressors of the laws of Gandalf are sent to Mordor to learn more of The Way of Gandalf – they are not seen again.

One day, as the Lord High God of all Middle-earth is amusing himself with the antics of his hobbit court jesters, he sips from a chalice of poisoned wine, carefully prepared by his servant Grima Wormtongue. He takes his last gasp as the Ring slips from his withered finger onto the finger of his murderer. The Great Tower of Unity is renamed The Dark Tower.

But Gandalf had foreseen and refused this fate, placing his hope instead on the unnoticed deeds of hobbits. “Will you not take the Ring?” says Frodo. “No!” cried Gandalf, springing to his feet. “With that power I should have power too great and terrible. And over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly.” His eyes flashed and his face was lit as by a fire within. “Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire of strength to do good. Do not tempt me!”

Friday, 12 February 2021

Journal 2021-02-12

Imagine if each of your waking thoughts were logged and at the end of the day you read them back.

It would be line after line of the same thoughts pointlessly repeated.

Imagine if this were a person hanging around saying this monologue to you.

Would you be wanting more or would you prefer some peace and quiet?