
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Journal 2022-06-02

True play is a time to experiment with new things; a time when you have the most chance to find something exciting.

I have a rough album of songs that I think are really, really good. They’re making me dance. One thing at a time though.

Evil appropriates the language of divinity to destroy lives. Hard Rock appropriates shadow and transcends the world.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Journal 2020-07-07

I uploaded Alive today. The song took a while to finish, I needed to be in the mood.

Lots of other unfinished songs to pick up and play with, but they aren’t calling me at the moment. For another time…

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Journal 2020-05-07

I have a recurring dream where I am walking down a forest path. Through the overhead swaying leaves I can see flickering beams of sunlight. Suddenly I hear the most beautiful music I have ever heard. I know I am dreaming and tell myself to remember. I wake up and can’t remember a note.

If I can’t remember, was the music really happening? My memory is that I thought I was experiencing something.