
Showing posts with label Children’s Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children’s Stories. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Flopsy's Quest

Once upon a time, there was a bunny rabbit named Flopsy. With a coat as soft as marshmallows and whiskers that twitched with every scent, Flopsy was known throughout the meadow for her insatiable appetite for adventures. Rumours had long spread through the burrows about a legendary garden, a magical place where sweet, juicy carrots grew so large that they reached the skies, standing tall like trees. Flopsy, with her boundless curiosity, had always felt a strong pull to discover this wonderful place. And so, one sunny day, while she was nibbling away on a grassy verge, she decided to hop away on the bunny adventure of a lifetime. She packed a little pouch with some fresh lettuce, a tiny compass, and a sketchbook to record her journey. With one last glance at her familiar meadow, she took a deep breath and hopped forward, her fluffy tail bouncing with excitement.

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Wibble Wobbling

Wibbert was once a lonesome wibble wobbling at his own frequency, until one day he met Wibbella by the lakeside. Their wobbles matched instantly, creating a resonance that spread joy throughout Whimsyville. Even the elderly wibbles, who had seen countless seasons of wobbling, were impressed. "I've never seen such synchronised wobbling," said old Mrs. Wibbleworth. "It's a wobble made in heaven!"

Whimsyville's annual Wobblefest was approaching. It was an event where all the wibbles showcased their unique wobbling styles. The highlight of the festival was the “Duo Wobble-off”. Pairs of wibbles would wobble together, and the most synchronised pair would win the coveted “Golden Wobble Trophy”. No one doubted that Wibbella and Wibbert would take the prize.

When Wibbella and Wibbert took the stage, a hush fell over the crowd. Their wobbling was so mesmerising, it felt like they were one wobble, moving with a singular purpose. The decision was indeed unanimous, and they wobbled off into the sunset together with the grand prize.

The legend of their wobbling spread far and wide, attracting wibbles from faraway villages. They all wanted to witness and perhaps learn the secret behind the perfect wobble. But the truth was simple - it was love. Wibble wobbling that came straight from the heart.

The Magical Glasses

Eight-year-old Emma lived in a century-old house with creaky stairs that led to an attic room filled with mysteries. One Saturday, while rummaging for hidden treasure in the attic, she stumbled upon a dusty old box with a tiny silver key poking out of a lock. Emma turned the key and opened the lid to discover inside a pair of old-fashioned glasses with ornate frames and sparkling lenses.


Putting them on, expecting everything to be blurry, Emma was taken aback. The attic transformed! Instead of old furniture and boxes, she saw a bustling little market with creatures she'd only read about in fairy tales. Goblins haggled with pixies over shiny trinkets, and a friendly-looking troll waved at her from a stall selling tiny potions.


Taking a deep breath and clutching the glasses, she ventured into this magical market. Everywhere she turned, there were wonders. A miniature griffin was giving rides around the attic, and will-o'-the-wisps led teeny elves to stalls on top of shop roofs.


At a particular stall with a sign reading "Mystic Tomes," an elderly gnome named Grizzlebeard looked up and smiled. "You must be Emma," he said. "We've been waiting for you."


Emma was surprised. "Waiting for me? How do you know my name?"


Grizzlebeard chuckled, "The glasses you wear belonged to your great-great-grandmother, Elara. She was a guardian of the magical realms. It seems the glasses have chosen you to take her place."


Emma learned that her role was to ensure the balance between the magical and the mechanical worlds. Occasionally, magical items or creatures would stray into her world, and it would be her job to return them.


She spent the day learning about magic, making new friends, and promising to visit again. As evening approached, Emma removed the glasses and found herself back in the old attic.


Descending the creaky steps, Emma decided to keep the glasses a secret for now. But every weekend, she would visit the magical attic, embarking on new adventures and ensuring the balance between the mechanical world and the magical one.


Every evening, as the sun set behind the mountains, it would be time for the Lebanese goats to head to bed. Layla would sit on the stone fence, her silhouette framed by the setting sun, and play her reed flute. The notes, soft and melodic, would waft across the meadows, signalling to the goats that it was bedtime. The goats would stop whatever they were doing and skip into line, their bells jingling melodiously, echoing the notes from Layla’s flute.

Farmer Karim, with his weathered face and hands that told tales of decades of hard work, would stand at the entrance of the barn, holding a lantern that spread a soft glow. He counted each goat as they entered, patting some, murmuring soft words to others, ensuring that each one was safe and sound. Inside the barn, the goats had their own spaces. Fresh hay was spread out for them, and a breeze flowed through, carrying with it the earthy scent of the surrounding olive groves.

There was, however, one particular goat named Nadia, who always took her time. She would wait until all the other goats were inside, and then, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, she would dance around Layla. Eventually, though, with a combination of Layla’s coaxing and Nadia’s own volition, Nadia would trot into the barn, but not before giving Layla a gentle nudge with her head.

With all the goats settled in, Layla would join her grandfather, and together they would seal the barn doors. Holding the lantern high, Farmer Karim would share stories of his youth, of goats he had known, of the beauty and challenges of life in the village. Layla would listen, enchanted, as the stars above twinkled.

Wednesday, 26 July 2023


There in a town, not too far, not too close,

Lived a pigeon of fame, with a purpose grandiose.

He'd flap to the office, and to everyone's delight,

He’d drop off memos, from a spectacular height.


He'd discuss the stocks, or the economy's state,

While pecking at crumbs - yes, life was great.

He'd attend all the meetings, in the boardroom aloof,

Perched on the chandelier, away from the roof.


When the day was over, to the rooftop he'd retire,

Exchanging coos with the town’s night choir.

Sometimes on weekends, for a change of scene,

He'd fly to the park, feathers preened and pristine.


With a bagel in beak, he'd stroll around,

The sight of him was joy unbound.

Yet beneath the fame, the work, the glow,

Was a pigeon who loved to take it slow.


A lover of sunsets, a connoisseur of seeds,

A friend to all, doing good feathery deeds.

In a tiny nest, made with love and straw,

He'd ponder the world with respectful awe.

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Blue Kangaroo

Once there was a kangaroo,

Whose colour was a peculiar blue.

He hopped around, from town to town,

Wearing a bright, red velvet gown.


With a pocket watch and his bow tie neat,

He’d greet folks on the street.

“Hoppity day, isn’t it?” he’d say,

Then he’d simply hop away.


In a bustling city or some quiet bay,

His uniqueness brightened every day.

Popping in with a joyful bound,

He'd scatter laughter all around.


He'd share stories in rhyme and verse,

Of places far, and some diverse,

About a koala who could sing,

Or a pelican with a broken wing.


Through winter's chill and summer's glow,

He'd amuse both friend and foe,

With antics that would make you swoon,

Like juggling pies under the moon.


A sight to behold, this creature blue,

A testament to being true,

To yourself and to your hue,

Our dear friend, the kangaroo.

Yoga Penguin

In the Antarctic where the air is thin,

Lived a yoga-practicing penguin.

He stretched on the ice,

Slid once, then twice,

And giggled, "Let's do that again!"


He practiced each pose while drinking his tea,

A sight that was peculiar to see.

But with a twinkly mind’s eye,

And a flipper raised high,

He was as happy as a penguin could be.

Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Walky Man

In the land where the flibberflabs flee,

There's a man who walks with so much glee.

He strides with a trot,

In circles, a lot,

And backwards as swift as a bee.


Round and round in the squoggle square,

Backwards, forwards, here and there,

In the blink of a snitch,

In a zig, in a zitch,

He walks without any a care.


With a bingle-bangle on his head,

And shoes gleaming of the brightest red,

He loops and he twirls,

In whizzing whirls,

And sleeps standing up in his bed.

Wibberly Wobbler

In the realm where the squiggles squoggle,

And the hootmoofs frizzle in delight,

Where the twizzlers twirl and toggle,

Beneath the glippity moon so bright:

There prances the wibberly wobbler,

With a grin as wide as a splat,

Juggling seven ziggly zobblers,

And a purplicious scrunty bat.

Oh, what a sight to confuse and amuse,

In a world where the goggleberries thrive,

Where the blibberblubs sing the blues,

And the frimbles frumble and jive.

So let’s clap with hootmoof delight,

Where dreams tizzle and tozzle,

And fribbly days unite,

In the flimmering wiberty night.

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

The Globbedy Dobble

In a land filled with wibbles and wobbles,

And creatures that bimble and bobble,

With a flip and flight,

In the soft moonlight,

They all dance the globbedy dobble.

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

The Magic Doughnuts

In a land of whimsy and glee,

Where laughter's the currency, you see,

Lived a baker, rotund and round,

Whose doughnuts could never be found.


As he kneaded and mixed with flair,

A pinch too much of spellbound air,

They grew and grew, enormous in size,

Bouncing away, oh what a surprise!


Children giggled, pointing with glee,

As doughnuts leaped from bush to tree.

The baker chased, the baker sighed,

"Doughnuts, oh doughnuts, come back, don't hide!"


But the doughnuts were sly, playful and spry,

They eluded his grasp, soaring high in the sky.

One landed atop the mayor's hat,

It spun around, then comically sat.


The mayor, cross and doughnut-crowned,

Twirled in circles, lost and dumbfound.

At last, the baker devised a plan,

To tame the doughnuts, if he can.


With a net in hand and a twinkle in his eye,

He leaped and caught them, oh my, oh my!

The doughnuts were home, their adventure complete,

They settled down, for a sugary treat.


The townspeople cheered, the baker stood tall,

His magical doughnuts, to be enjoyed by all.

Monday, 13 February 2023

Squirrels in the Big Oak Tree

Once upon a time, there was a large forest as far as the eye could see. In the middle of the forest there stood a big oak tree. It was the biggest tree of all.

The big oak tree was home to a happy family of squirrels. They played on top of the branches. They ate acorns. They slept in a nest of twigs.

Next to the tree there lived a man in a small house made of acorns. The man was very silly and thought that the squirrels might want to take his acorns. But the squirrels had plenty stored in their nest. The big oak tree grows enough acorns for everyone.

One day, the man did a very bad thing. He chopped and chopped at the tree until it fell down. He took all the acorns from the tree.

The squirrels were very sad at losing their home. And very hungry. The house of acorns looked very tasty. They nibbled at the house. Other squirrels from the other trees all joined the feast until there was nothing left.

The man was very sad at losing his home. At nighttime he had no bed of acorns anymore. He fell asleep under a tree.

When he woke up in the morning, he was amazed! The squirrels had rebuilt his house of acorns!

The man was overjoyed and lived with the squirrels. Every day he made the squirrels acorn porridge for breakfast and acorn soup for dinner. He planted some acorns where the big oak tree once stood.

The squirrels played happily on the roof.

The End.