
Monday 27 May 2024

Random Thoughts

It helps if you live a long time, so that decades of consistent, little, enjoyable steps take you to mountain peaks and back.  

Many people lie out of fear, the tragedy being that deceit covers in ugliness the beauty underneath. Vulnerability, mistakes, and imperfection are far more interesting than the plastic veneer assumed to be appealing.

I do sometimes speak in generic, simplistic platitudes. I’m sorry I’m not smarter and wiser but there you go.

Oh dear, I’m repeating some thought as if it’s new. I’ve started so I’ll have to finish, even though I can almost hear them groan.

Analytical reductionism can be like simplifying all of language to a single grunt.

Protestant / Catholic / Orthodox etc. are cultural traditions, not necessarily representative of the spirit of Christianity.

It’s nice to think sometimes of parallel lives. Even though the scenario playing out isn’t what you might have desired, it doesn’t matter because it all worked out somewhere, and can again.

It’s an example of mental sickness that “sick” was inverted to mean “very good”.

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