Thursday, 13 June 2024
Journal 2024-06-13
Friday, 24 May 2024
Film Pitch
Sunday, 19 May 2024
Kicking the Tires
Saturday, 16 March 2024
Journal 2024-03-16
I’m currently living on the corners of a triangle between Colchester, Cambridge, and London.
Being asked to write a poem in the afternoon and perform it in the evening was challenging. I spent 30 minutes writing rubbish that was thrown away, then 30 minutes wandering about mumbling; then sat in a quiet corner of the bar and wrote it in 20 minutes. Had dinner and the poem went down great, with a very generous response.
Another highlight was having professional actors pick out lines from my script and be generous with their comments. Different people in different contexts mentioned the word “beautiful”.
My weakness and my strength is that I do not defer to anyone like I am expected to. The great geniuses of the past I admire, but nobody living today receives that gushing appreciation from me. One celebrated person thought I had gone over to talk to her, although really I was passing by to visit the toilet and she had stopped me. She was very friendly and was enjoying the role of benign mentor figure. I appreciate her more not because of her acclaim others were fawning over but because she was nice to me. I later made a fool of myself by knocking over the Meeting Owl.
I love this time of year when everything is returning to life.
Lots of spam from my website so I removed the contact form. Bots just don’t seem to realise that telling me about once-in-a-lifetime deals on SEO opportunities for the 1,000th time isn’t really my thing.
I now have one less tooth.
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Looking back at what I said I was going to do in past years, I typically allowed myself to be blown off course, and ended up doing something else more unsatisfying instead. In terms of what was created in 2023, however, it was a good year for me.
I’ve got many things I want to do, but I must focus sequentially
to make me more centred and resistant to events that easily move lighter intentions.
I will focus on writing for the first nine months of the
year. This will include: The Mushroom Monsters, All the World’s a Stage, and
the prequel/sequel to Human World that extends the themes and connects the
narrative with Stange Stories.
My focus is then going to shift to performance. I want to
film my music, my poetry, and scenes from my stories. They will be shot in
interesting locations and will hopefully look good aesthetically.
But why? Because I feel that’s something I have to release
out of me.
Sunday, 23 July 2023
Journal 2023-07-22
Today I was dancing in the rain on a deserted beach with some seagulls.
It’s always a good idea to come alive before one dies.
When I was very small, my grandad assuredly told me that there is no such thing as God. Later that day, I couldn’t find the boot of one my action men anywhere. Frustrated, I said to God, "I promise I will believe in you if you show me the action man boot." I found it immediately when I looked in the pile of toys again. I kind of feel obliged to keep my promise.
Saturday, 17 June 2023
Journal 2023-06-17
I think I have five main creative endeavours: writing, songwriting, singing, acting, art. A semi-creative set is finance with application development, which is how I earn money. All these areas are gradually inching forward. Looking back, I’m starting to feel pleased with the collection of works that have formed. I hope to be around for a few more decades, and for those inches to keep expanding.
I re-read Edgar Allen Poe’s, The Raven, and recorded myself
as I did so. It’s a great narrative poem. I’ll do it another two to three
times, and pick the best version.
I used to google questions, now I ask my friendly AI.
AI’s that have been trained on Doctor Who: “You will be automated!
Automate! Automate!”
Sunday, 28 May 2023
Journal 2023-05-28
The resources to improve oneself are all available online. Most people (including me) are bogged down with the distractions.
I’ve got a lot of work to do – too much for little me with
the time available. I have to become good at prioritising and focusing. What is
it that really matters?
The most important skill in life is to be able to focus
attention on where you are, without being distracted by repetitive thoughts.
If speed is an indicator of intelligence then I have been
extremely thick.
Any realisations I have were already given to me. I was too
stupid/arrogant to absorb the suggestions.
I memorise and conceptualise better by taking notes as
information is relayed.
The best way for me to fall asleep is to think of stories. I
imagine scenes and I drift away.