
Sunday, 3 December 2023

The Staircase

A traveller in a labyrinth of unending rise,

Each step a mystery, each floor a disguise.

Pursued by a ghoul, relentless and dire,

His only respite, to endlessly aspire.

Doors he’s opened, realms explored,

Yet always, the stairs are restored.

Back to the climb, his inescapable fate,

Through doors of chance, or those that wait.

Some yield to kindness, some to might,

Others remain sealed, despite the fight.

Doors untried, secrets they keep,

While open ones passed as if asleep.

For respite, he enters doors ajar,

Seeking sustenance, near and far.

In the stairwell’s grip, he cannot rest,

Lest the terror behind completes its quest.

Weariness grips, his pace now slowed,

The shriek behind of dread and forebode.

Yet on he must go, in this stairway’s embrace,

Seeking an end to the relentless chase.

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