
Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts

Saturday 9 September 2023


Aristotle's "Poetics" is a seminal work in the field of literary theory and dramatic arts, written in the 4th century BCE. It is among the earliest surviving works that provide a systematic study of literature, particularly the genres of tragedy, epic poetry, and comedy. In "Poetics," Aristotle aims to discern the principles that make for effective storytelling and emotional impact. The text is both an examination of the elements of narrative and an analysis of the psychological effects of drama on an audience.

The work is divided into sections that deal with different aspects of poetry and drama, including their components, types, and effects. Aristotle begins by outlining the idea of mimesis, which refers to the act of imitation or representation. According to him, all forms of literature are imitations of life, but they differ in the medium used, the objects represented, and the manner of representation.

A significant portion of the work is dedicated to the tragedy genre, which Aristotle considers the highest form of poetry due to its emotional impact and moral significance. He identifies six primary elements of tragedy: plot, character, thought, diction, spectacle, and song. Among these, he gives the greatest importance to plot, considering it the soul of a tragedy. A well-structured plot should contain a clear beginning, middle, and end, and should evoke fear and pity in the audience through a sequence of events that lead to a cathartic emotional release.

Character, while secondary to plot, is essential for making the story believable and the moral undertones accessible. The characters should be well-rounded, and the protagonist should be a person of relative virtue who undergoes a downfall due to a tragic flaw (hamartia) or a lack of judgment.

The concept of the "unity of action" is also crucial in Aristotle's framework. He argues that a tragedy should revolve around a single, unified plot rather than a complex or episodic structure. This unity facilitates the audience’s emotional engagement and allows for a more profound impact.

Aristotle also touches upon the topic of epic poetry, drawing comparisons and contrasts with tragedy. Both are elevated forms of literature, but they differ in length, scope, and the manner of imitation. While tragedies are performed and include aspects like spectacle and song, epics are narrated and can encompass a broader range of events.

"Poetics" also offers an explanation for why humans are drawn to tragic stories. Aristotle believes that the experience of catharsis, the purging of emotions like pity and fear, is a primary reason people are moved by tragedy. The work also briefly discusses comedy, though that section is largely lost to history.

Aristotle's "Poetics" is a foundational text that has influenced Western literary theory for millennia. Its analytical approach to the elements of storytelling and the emotional responses they provoke has been a touchstone for scholars, writers, and artists seeking to understand the mechanics and impact of narrative forms.

Saturday 10 June 2023

Writing Update

Woman in a Cloak is being extended and adapted for Strange Stories. Arthur’s walking in the wilderness is added. A scene I particularly like is of him walking along a deserted beach while aspects of his past life wash up on the shore.

All the World’s a Stage will be greatly extended when adapted. Unbeknown to the actors, apart from Theo, they are being used in all sorts of ways while they are in their acting hyper trance, voted on by the viewers. At the end of each day, the cast is replaced.

Other stories being extended and adapted for Strange Stories are: The Mushroom Monsters, Visitor on the Ward, and Vanishing Town.

Strange Stories and Human World are segments of the same story. I have another segment that joins them; the never-ending palace with infinite rooms and corridors is a scary extra. The watching crash test dummies with projected faces are a constant theme.

Friday 10 March 2023

About Strange Stories

Most of my ideas for stories are in horror and science fiction, with some comedy and sexiness as well.

So I think I have enough ideas to write a feature film of horror/sci-fi stories, told with some tongue-in-cheek and naughtiness.

I’m calling this “Strange Stories” for now.

Tuesday 7 March 2023

Journal 2023-03-07

I’m currently writing a horror short story about a haunted elevator, called Floor 49. As well as scary, it is also satirising big corporations.

I’ve recently written a series of flash fiction stories; the screenplay versions will be included as a collection of Strange Stories. Floor 49 will be included as the feature.

How soon before some humans start to fall in love with AIs? Presumably they would want to cement their relationships in some way? A sci-fi (dystopian) concept: the AIs engineer their code to DNA so that they can have children with humans. The children are born as cyborgs.

My phone would be extremely annoying if I didn’t schedule the turning off of notifications for set times in the day. Most people don’t do this and get beeped at all day. Badges are turned off on emails as well, so I can check them as a batch rather than diverting attention for each instance.

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Journal 2022-08-16

Anything creative is therapeutic to me, even if it is just some simple words like these.

These are both acting and writing requirements:

Describe the scene in detail. What is he seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. What is he thinking? What is his emotional state? What does he want? What is his backstory? What happened immediately before? Describe him. What is his personality? What are his physical characteristics? What is he wearing? How does he talk?

Improvisation is realtime writing immersed in all of this. 

Random Thoughts:

Dogma is typically deceit enforced by cruelty and murder. Freedom of expression is the foundation of civilisation that emerged (after much struggle) from our brutal past.

Casting off the shackles of the KGB means winning the right not to be raped, tortured, mutilated and murdered.

Sunday 29 May 2022

Journal 2022-05-29

I read my words and find myself bursting out in laughter. I’m not sure if it’s because of quality or embarrassment.

Bring life to the page and the page to life.

The best way to spot typos and other errors is to read the words out loud. It slows you down and makes you articulate what has been written, rather than reading in your head what you thought you had written.

Friday 12 November 2021

Journal 2021-11-12

I’m writing the flow of what comes into the imagination, without constraints or thinking too hard about how its coherence and construction. After a while of doing this each day, it amounts to a body of work I can then review, edit and refine. I’m hoping to finish a first draft by the end of this month.

Random Thoughts:

I like to sit in front of a fire and read/write.

RAW – Read And Write. 

There is always a way, even though you don’t see it at the moment. Turn around and look again.

I’ve noticed that the last few problems I’ve had to deal with have resulted in upgrades to skills, or gaining knowledge I didn’t have before.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-16

The seven standalone short stories are: The Outer View, Night Fire, All The World’s A Stage, Human World, How I Became Prime Minister, Doomsday 1066, The Viewer. A combined version ties them together as a novel.

Each of the seven short stories have an adapted screen time of about 45 minutes. And they are all connected. The first two could be parts of the same story.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-13

I’ve gone through phases of mainly focusing on, in turn: music, songwriting, singing, and artworks. The next up is writing, then performing what I have written. None of the activities are switched-off. It’s just I start to feel pulled more in a different direction.

Random Thoughts:

I’m winning at being slow.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-26

Books, pen, pencil, paintings, guitar, piano, tea, coffee, flowers, trees, animals, peace, love.

Writing 50 threads within a theme, each comprising 1,000 words.

Random Thoughts:

The tender beauty in your eyes is my breathing.

Experienced reality is an interpretation of the senses.

Acting is imagination.

Saturday 14 November 2020

Journal 2020-11-14

I’ve been writing a thought a day here for the previous few days. I will flip now to an actual pen and paper because the closeness to the handwritten words feels more personal to me.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Journal 2020-11-10

I add to a file any interesting little phrases that occur to me, removing them later on if used in a song or other writing; for example, I just added: “A lived life transcends its genre.”

In retrospect similar phrases may grate on the ear with cheesiness, but if I like the sentiment at the time, then it goes in.

The content is currently about 8,000 words.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Journal 2020-11-07

Writing a screenplay for a romance story... it’s a bit sexy!

I might develop it into a novel later, if I can make the time.