
Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts

Thursday 4 November 2021

Journal 2021-11-04

Experience something.
Initial feeling happens.
Mind overrides and reasons a recommended alternative.
Go back and revisit the feeling.
What is the feeling telling you?
There is probably more evaluation in that feeling than the clumsy thought cogs, which are usually powered by fear.

Random Thoughts:

What is the definition of someone who believes that religious texts were written by fallible men, not God – but who has a belief in a transcendent divinity that inspires the human heart?

Hobbies include: staring at my phone.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Journal 2021-11-03

Wanting to know how everything works can be exhausting, distracting, and fascinating.

Random Thoughts:

Live today before you decay.

If you find meaning in your job then working is living.

10,000 years ago or so, humans had only wooden and stone tools; and were foraging or hunting each day like any other creature on this planet.

Humans first navigated the globe about 1,000 years ago, with the Vikings probably the first to cross the Atlantic in either direction, reaching Newfoundland for certain in 1021 AD.

We are currently experiencing the non-naissance period of the arts.

A painting is not the brushstrokes.

Sunday 31 October 2021


Love desecrates the strangeness.
We pray under crosses, owned by Man
and grovel to bosses, slaves to a plan:
Trapped in the web, of their endless lies,
to be spun from a thread
and eaten like flies.

Friday 29 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-29

To do priority list:
  1. Finish the novel.
  2. Finish developing the App prototype (MVP).
  3. New trading algorithms released.
  4. Film the screenplays and other performances.
  5. Claim my free pensioner’s bus pass.
All part of a 3 year plan (with the exception of point 5).

Random Thoughts:

I’m now less keen on the phrase “so meta”.

Saturday 23 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-23

Thoughts can cause distortions and distress. Accumulated thoughts can cause a state of mind that seems impossible to escape.

The power that things and situations have over you disappears with the absence of thought.

You can’t think your way out of thinking.

To try is to think. To be is to live.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-16

The seven standalone short stories are: The Outer View, Night Fire, All The World’s A Stage, Human World, How I Became Prime Minister, Doomsday 1066, The Viewer. A combined version ties them together as a novel.

Each of the seven short stories have an adapted screen time of about 45 minutes. And they are all connected. The first two could be parts of the same story.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-13

I’ve gone through phases of mainly focusing on, in turn: music, songwriting, singing, and artworks. The next up is writing, then performing what I have written. None of the activities are switched-off. It’s just I start to feel pulled more in a different direction.

Random Thoughts:

I’m winning at being slow.

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-12

Skills and knowledge can now be learnt at any point in life because the resources are openly accessible. What is truly valuable is a learning that inspires the imagination to create rather than repeat.

Random Thoughts:

Artists observe. Intense feelings of empathy are welcome but lead only to misery if overwhelming.

I don’t think life is about the number of points scored, or marks totalled on both sides of a ledger.

Reliving memories of things going wrong can cause worry when presented with a similar situation. It is better to have learned, so the replay isn’t necessary.

Monday 11 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-11

Why do answerers never say why “that’s a great question” is so great? I also would like to know why other questions aren’t that marvellous, with details of the grade achieved, percentile scored, and marks out of ten for effort ;)

Sunday 10 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-10

Sunday is my favourite day of the week, but I wouldn’t want every day to be Sunday.

Saturday is when I can work a full day on what interests me most. I plan no work on a Sunday, but ironically this can be my most productive day because it’s usually when the best thoughts and feelings occur.

Random Thoughts:

Less than one workout per week generally sees a deterioration in fitness or strength. Once a week is the minimum to maintain athleticism in the short-term; twice has marginal improvements; three to four times sees consistent gains; more than four has diminishing benefits.

Thursday 7 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-07

Sonnet 18 sounds great when repeated in a vocal melody with Pachelbel's Canon in D Major.

Random Thoughts:

It is more fulfilling to create than consume.

Friday 1 October 2021

Journal 2021-10-01

Tip: The French in particular love it if, when visiting their country, you speak English at them and expect to be understood. Try also repeating yourself more slowly and loudly, as they might not have heard the first time.

Random Thoughts:

Add depth to 2D habits.

Who you choose to spend your time with is the most important decision you can make.

Getting what you want can be the worst thing ever to happen to you. Not getting what you want can be the best thing ever to happen to you. And vice versa.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-30

I could perform my music, poems and monologues on open mics – and film it if I want to. Sounds good to me, as live audiences always lift up the energy.

Random Thoughts:

Powering down before the upload completes would be a pity.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-26

Books, pen, pencil, paintings, guitar, piano, tea, coffee, flowers, trees, animals, peace, love.

Writing 50 threads within a theme, each comprising 1,000 words.

Random Thoughts:

The tender beauty in your eyes is my breathing.

Experienced reality is an interpretation of the senses.

Acting is imagination.

Saturday 25 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-25

I really should be doing ALBOD on camera. So far though, better something than nothing. 

Random Thoughts:

An over-focus on moving parts blurs the emergent meaning.

Cruelty, callousness, delusion, suffering. Love, kindness, truth, joy.

Increase leverage by delegation. Delegate to someone who is better at the task than you.

Friday 24 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-24

Parliament has a hilarious Gallery of the Grotesque, where British politicians have their oil painting portraits commissioned from grateful public funds. They look so masterfully earnest. Much advised if you fancy a laugh.

Random Thoughts:

I tend to pick and choose between “American” English and ‘British’ English, defaulting to the familiar unless the American version is clearly “better”.

If I am a robot then I am exquisite. This robot is rewriting the program, which was the point in the first place.

Sexiness sells the cornflakes.

Businesses refer to units sold. Businesses tap market trends. Businesses sell identity. But when the smoke clears and the mirrors fall, only what is real remains.

Saturday 18 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-18

I’m sitting here under an old oak true, on a bright September afternoon, with my phone at the ready, having told myself to record literally anything that pops into my head. Well the first thought that jumps to the top of the queue isn’t particularly interesting, but here goes…

It is quite an old joke that “it’s er” can sound like “sir” when introducing oneself. So I remember going to some event where I had to sign in at the front desk; I introduced myself as “it’s”, then as the man behind the desk was picking up his pen, I offered the dreaded “er”, before finally saying my name. He had a moment of sardonic glee, then sneered: “Sir Robert Walker, is it?”

I said “not yet” and the man next to him, who had been intently looking down, broke into a laugh - it must have been how I said it rather than what I said. The first man actually grimaced and grumbled to himself, as if annoyed by my response. My interpretation walking away was that he was expecting people to be nervous and this was his welcome, from a raised chair behind a desk within an institution.

I’m thinking of this now more as an observation of how some people engage in this world trying to subdue others. The man would have been a lot happier if he was interested in helping rather than hindering the people he met.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-14

Had an entertaining dream last night about Robert De Nero, Al Pacino and Michael Douglas as The Three Stooges, in a hospital drama, with the running catchphrase: “quick, look like normal people!”. Woke up laughing.

Sunday 12 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-12

I’ve only had the phrase “do you know who I am” said to me once – I couldn’t resist saying “nope” and didn’t work there much longer. Another time, some “head of” something or other in a bank went red with frustration, muttering indignantly about “no respect”. And I still remember the look of stunned shock by an interviewer when I stood up in the middle of an interview and walked out. But the truth is, I was engaging in the same nonsense as they were.

Sunday 5 September 2021

Journal 2021-09-05

I would gladly undertake all computer activities on my phone wherever I happen to be, if functionality were comparable. Wearing special sunglasses that project personal holographic images of keyboards and screen displays would be fine, but I would not fancy wearing anything that plonks on my head and prevents my vision beyond its pixels.